Wednesday, 19 February 2025 17:22

Mr. Driss El Yazami takes part to a national conference on Human Rights Day

Thursday, 12 December 2024

To celebrate International Human Rights Day, the “Centre de Développement de la Région Tensift (CDRT)”, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and family of the late Ahmed Chaouki Benyoub, is holding a national conference on "Human Rights Culture: Visions, Testimonies and Challenges".The conference will take place on Saturday 14 December 2024 at 3.30pm in the Conference Room of the Club de la Justice in Marrakech. A tribute will be paid to the late Ahmed Chaouki Benyoub, a leading figure in Moroccan human rights activism.

 The event, which is part of a process of debate and dialogue on the promotion of human rights in Morocco, will be attended by Mr Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice, Ms Fatima Berkane, Secretary General of the ministerial delegation responsible for human rights, Mr Abdallah Saaf, academic and expert in human rights, Mr Driss El Yazami, President of the Council for the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) and former President of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH), Ms Jamila Siouri, President of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH), Ms Jamila Siouri, Ms Jamila Siouri, President of the Adala association, Ms Latifa Jbabdi and Mr El Ouadie, former members of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER).

Numerous other personalities are also taking part to event. Among them, Mrs Fatima-Zahraa Maalainine, community activist and member of the cabinet of the Minister of Justice. Noureddine Afaya, university professor, and Mohammed Berrada, journalist and cultural actor. Ahmed Chehbouni, head of the CDRT (Centre de Développement de la Région Tensift), Abdelouahed Dlimat, a professor, researcher and close friend of the late Ahmed Chaouki Benyoub.

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