GOP judges in the majority on Obama immigration stay
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:17 A federal appeals court panel assigned to consider whether to temporarily lift a block on President Barack Obama's latest round of immigration-related executive actions leans Republican, 2-1, and contains a sharply conservative judge who drew national attention for clashing with the administration over Obama's health care reform law.
Published in Media and migration
Religious ethos of society helps Muslims feel at home in Ireland
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:17 The rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and its impact on European societies, shows how interconnected our world is today. We cannot afford to be ignorant about the Middle East. What happens there has an effect on Europe’s diverse societies, and the same is true for Ireland.
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Spanish PM Rajoy: 'Islamic world is also a victim of terrorism'
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:16 Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy opened a Euro-Mediterranean meeting on terror in Barcelona on Monday, making veiled references to the issue of Catalan independence in his opening remarks and warning that jihadism should not be confused with Islam.
Published in Media and migration
Denmark's queen urges immigrants to adapt
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:16 Denmark's Queen Margrethe says immigrants don't have to like Danish food, but they must respect the country's core values.
Published in Media and migration
German minister of Turkish origin receives death threats telling her to leave the country
Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:15 Federal Immigration and Integration Minister of Germany, Aydan Özoğuz has revealed that she is receiving death threats.
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‘I am an Immigrant’ poster aims to celebrate immigration
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:13 'I am an Immigrant' poster proves immigration is good for Britain
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Arson attack on hostel for asylum seekers shocks Germany
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:13 On a sunny spring day, it would seem that nothing could disturb the peace of the sleepy German village of Tröglitz, as the residents quietly go about their business or take walks in the blossom-scented air.
Published in Media and migration
Hospital patients to be asked about UK residence status
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:13 There will be financial sanctions for trusts which do not bill patients who should be charged
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Dutch populist Wilders to appear at Dresden PEGIDA rally
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:12 Dresden is bracing itself for a high turnout for the next PEGIDA rally, where outspoken anti-immigration Dutch populist, Geert Wilders, is to make an appearance. Opponents say the invitation crossed a "red line."
Published in Media and migration
Failed asylum seekers face personal data disclosure by immigration department
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:12 Failed asylum seekers can have their personal information disclosed to foreign governments in order to obtain travel documents if they are involuntarily deported, according to an immigration department manual.
Published in Media and migration
“An urgent humanitarian situation”: Mexico and the new immigration battleground
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:11 Central American migrants heading to the United States often risk their lives trekking through jungles and jumping freight trains, only to be nabbed by the US Border Patrol. Now an increasing number are being turned back before they even reach the Rio Grande — by Mexican police.
Published in Media and migration
Nebraska city struggles to enforce its immigration rules
Monday, 13 April 2015 12:11 A Nebraska city’s ordinance that bans renting homes to immigrants living in the country illegally is having little effect because Fremont officials haven’t been able to determine applicants’ citizenship status.
Published in Media and migration
IMMIGRATION: Parents fighting for kids to stay in U.S.
Monday, 13 April 2015 11:44 About 80 percent of unaccompanied minors attended their first court hearing between July 18, 2014, and Feb. 24, 2015, according to the U.S. Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.
Published in Media and migration
Immigration changes must aim to retain best, brightest
Monday, 13 April 2015 11:44 The history of America is rich in stories of immigrants coming with nothing but a small suitcase of clothes and a dream of a better tomorrow. Odds are good that there is a story like this in your family heritage.
Published in Media and migration
Unions fight to preserve Obama’s immigration actions, their members
Monday, 13 April 2015 11:43 Two of the country’s most powerful and politically influential labor unions are backing President Obama in the recent court challenge to his 2014 executive action on illegal immigration, saying they support the president’s effort because "undocumented workers" need more workplace protection and their participation helps the U.S. economy.
Published in Media and migration
Rubio's changing immigration stance could be liability
Monday, 13 April 2015 11:31 Washington — Sen. Marco Rubio's changing stance on immigration has alienated advocates on both sides of the debate, and analysts say the contentious issue could trip up the Florida Republican in his bid to become the first Latino president. Rubio is expected to officially announce his candidacy Monday in Miami.
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America needs to curb immigration flows
Friday, 10 April 2015 11:49 Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee.
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Report: 39,000 immigrant kids coming to U.S.
Friday, 10 April 2015 11:48 Hempstead School Board President Lamont Johnson met with community members and parents on Oct. 17, 2014, to discuss the turning away of students throughout the district. A report released Wednesday, April 8, 2015, says the number of unaccompanied immigrant children coming to the U.S. is expected to increase. Photo Credit: Johnny Milano
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Activists Unite To Turn Illegal Immigrants Into Democratic Voters
Friday, 10 April 2015 10:49 A coalition of immigration activists, community organizers and unions are rallying around a comprehensive strategy to create millions of new Democratic voters by defending President Obama’s executive orders on immigration and helping illegal immigrants.
Published in Media and migration
St. John's Conference Explores Impact of Immigration on US Society
Friday, 10 April 2015 10:46 More than 250 St. John’s University students, faculty, and administrators joined diplomats, community leaders, and scholars for a two-day conference that explored the economic and social ramifications of rising Hispanic immigration to the United States.
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