Thursday, 16 January 2025 10:49

Noureddine Bellaoui aka "MagicNoor", an outstanding international illusionist.

Noureddine Bellaoui, aka "MagicNoor" made his first appearance before the Moroccan public in 2012, invited by comedian Hassan El Fad in Marrakech laughter festival to present a magic trick in his "halqa".

Today he signs autographs in the four corners of the world since he won the prize of the International Merlin Award in New York in October 2014, considered the Oscars of the magic world. Las Vegas to Singapore via Paris and Athens, Noureddine Bellaoui travels the world to promote his talent.

At 47, Noureddine, who has lived in London for seven years, enjoys the recognition of the elite of the magic world. Trained in the United States where he earned a doctorate in the art of magic, Noureddine has acquired academic expertise in the world of magic before taking part in the world's largest magic contest. Even the world renowned magician David Copperfield testified to the talent of the Moroccan who is a stalwart of modern magic.

"MagicNoor" an innovative and theatrical style.

Siegfried and Roy, two powerhouse names of illusionism, welcomed the innovative style and theatrical game of Bellaoui who is honoured to see big names of the profession recognize his style."In this business, you need to have style, a special touch that differentiates you from others. For me, it was theater that helped me build my know-how”

But Noureddine is not only a pro magician that honors the "International Magicians Society" or the famous “Magic Circle", he is also a painter, photographer and playwright.  

 Noureddine is indeed, a subtle blend of creativity and technicality, with a maturity of mind and acuity that leave nothing to chance.

Aware of his professional and human qualities, he added that "a magician is first a man who knows how to capture his audience, who can communicate, who knows how to pass his turn smoothly without ever revealing his technique or his approach to his magic tricks. "

To see some of his live performances click here:

This article initially appeared in dimabladna website and was published in French.

Click here to see the original:

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