Friday, 25 October 2024 19:47
Monday, 13 September 2021 16:54

The right to access information

    The right to access information is guaranteed by law.

    Law 31.13 on the right of access to information came into force on March 12, 2019 in Morocco.

    - Law 31.13 on the right of access to information. Download

    - Guide to Law 31.13, developed by the Department of Administration Reform - Ministry of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform. Download

    In accordance with this law, the CCME has designated officials in charge of receiving and processing access to information requests and has set up an internal cell to support them.

    - Decision appointing CCME officials responsible for processing and receiving access to information requests. Download

    How to submit your access to information request?

    Before making a request

    Before submitting an Access to Information request, you can search the CCME website to see if the information already exists.

    Submit a request by e-mail, mail or fax

    Please fill out the form, and send it by email, mail or fax.

    - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    - Mail: Mahaj Ryad 10 - Imm.M - BP 21 481. Hay Riad - 10000 Rabat - Morocco

    - Fax: 00 (212) 5 37 56 66 22

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