Saturday, 27 July 2024 06:10

A new Media Matters report on the "single issue syndrome" found that Spanish-language Sunday shows continue to devote considerable attention to immigration at the apparent expense of issues equally important to the Latino community. In addition, although Latinos make up more than 17 percent of the U.S. population, only 4 percent of guests on English-language Sunday shows between January 4 and May 3, 2015 were Hispanic - a drop of 42 percent from their 2014 appearances over a similar time period.

An Internet rumor that hundreds of thousands of ethnic Korean residents are to be deported has seen immigration bureaus nationwide deluged with “tips” from bounty seekers and others about neighbors who in fact remain legal residents.

New Zealand annual net migration rose to a new record in June as arrivals continued to be bolstered by Chinese and Indian students, while fewer locals departed for Australia.

About 400 people met in Prague Saturday in protest against the EU, Islam and the recent immigration of refugees to Europe, and heard speaker Jan Jiskra calling on the government not to accept any refugees, to outlaw Islam and the sharia law and to protect Czech borders more toughly.

Frustrated by Washington's inaction on immigration issues, California lawmakers are considering a measure to allow work permits for farmworkers living in the country illegally.

Sir Leszek Borysiewicz draws on his own background as the child of Polish immigrants to counter ‘negative’ rhetoric on immigration.

Foreign students will be banned from working in the UK while they study and will be forced to leave the country as soon as they finish their course under tough new rules unveiled by Theresa May, the Home Secretary.

The immigration file may not be sexy, but it is surely significant in an aging and demographically-challenged Canada. The issues of immigration numbers, integration, citizenship rules, family unification, refugees and reasonable accommodation are all of national importance.

There's a reason that Hillary Clinton's attack on Jeb Bush over immigration sparked one of the sharpest exchanges between the two 2016 presidential campaigns.

They're holding mirrors up to each other.

More than 1,800 immigrants that the federal government wanted to deport were nevertheless released from local jails and later re-arrested for various crimes, according to a government report released Monday.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015 14:05

Chinese now top U.S. immigrant arrivals

Pan Wu, 26, originally from China and a graduate student in theoretical chemistry at Duke University in Raleigh, N.C., works at the university on May 31, 2013. Chinese Americans are represented at both ends of the economic spectrum, although when people think of Chinese immigrants they tend to think of the highly skilled and educated who arrive – the entrepreneurs, professionals, scientists and students like Wu.

Tourist arrivals into South Africa from abroad have plummeted amid the African National Congress (ANC) government’s enforcement of xenophobic anti-immigrant policies.

There is a schizophrenic situation in the EU which once created the conditions for more immigration from Africa, but now every EU country wants to stop immigrant inflow, says Pierre Guerlain, a Professor of political science at Paris West University.

Recently, The New York Times unintentionally lent its support to a key argument immigration enforcement advocates have used for years in their fight against open borders. In her piece “Stay Home, Pleads a Son of Eritrea,” Celestine Bohlen profiled a Eritrean activist who appealed to the waves of people leaving his country, which has long suffered under a despotic regime, telling them that “[t]he government is the problem and leaving doesn’t solve it ... escaping is not the solution.”

In a rare television interview, Hillary Clinton said she was "disappointed" by Donald Trumps's immigration remarks.

TAIPEI: Taiwan has become an increasingly popular immigration destination for residents of Hong Kong and Macau, with the number of Taiwan residency applications from the two cities in 2014 being the highest in more than two decades.

Wednesday, 08 July 2015 17:43

Study: Chicago 'Immigration' Rate Dropping

Many large American cities need skilled workers from other countries if they are to grow. Chicago, Illinois is the third-largest city in the United States. But it may not stay that way for long. Why?

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, spiritual leader of more than four million Catholics in England and Wales, said the Catholic Church was "enormously enriched" by the many thousands of Catholics coming to these shores as migrants.

While the EU continues to squabble over who should bear the greatest responsibility for asylum seekers arriving in Europe from areas of conflict, Sweden has asked its neighbour countries to regain a bit of perspective.

Migrants wait at Calais for an opportunity to sneak into Britain. Around 3,000 migrants, mostly from Eritrea, Syria and Afghanistan are camped at a site near the Port of Calais.(Getty).

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves as he arrives at a house party Tuesday, June 30, 2015, in Bedford, New Hampshire.

Francisco López-Flores was talking to numerous investors in May to pitch a project to track the economic benefits of immigration reform. However, one potential investor told López-Flores not to waste his time with mere hobbies.

Gardaí and the Immigration services are being singled out as in need of anti-racism training, following a new study.

BURLINGTON — Immigration officials are keeping a close watch on Veronica Morales. Every Monday, she must check in at an office in Burlington. Every Thursday, she waits for hours at home in Lynn in case an immigration contractor drops by. And if that’s not enough, officials attached a GPS device to her ankle.

The population of the UK has hit a record high, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said, with the average age also reaching a new peak.

Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi harshly criticized EU leaders for rejecting mandatory migrant quotas amid ongoing divisions over the ways to stop the flow of illegal migrants to Europe's southern shores.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows net overseas migration figures continue to decline, with the national total falling by 15% in the last year.

BELGRADE – Serbia intends to organise a regional conference on the problem of illegal migration, Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic announced on Friday.

 Switzerland’s government said it will widen talks with the European Union to review a host of issues between the Alpine nation and the bloc in a bid to break a negotiating deadlock over immigration curbs.

(Washington, DC) – The United States Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) decision to scale back its use of family immigration detention could help thousands of children and mothers who are fleeing persecution, Human Rights Watch said today. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson announced on June 24, 2015, that the Obama administration was committed to “substantial changes” to family immigration detention.

Overseas students are quickly becoming the new standard of immigration here in Canada, notes Instec International Student of Hamilton, Ontario. The opportunities that now exist for foreign students are likely to continue as visiting students become the country’s new immigrants.

BRITAIN is sending a two-mile security fence to France to stop desperate immigrants sneaking over from Calais.

Australia has introduced some new visa policies and adjust some others, which are expected to play an important part in welcoming more Chinese visitors to Australia, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Michaelia Cash told Xinhua over the weekend before she departed for her six- day China visit on Sunday.

Immigration into the U.S. from predominately Islamic countries has doubled in more than a decade and that number continues to rise. Some find this number alarming given recent terrorist events worldwide.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton arrives at the Aria before speaking at the NALEO conference on Thursday, June 18, 2015. Launch slideshow ».

The problem of refugees and illegal immigrants should be dealt with within the European Union, and putting up fences is not the way to do it, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and her Austrian counterpart Heinz Fischer said in Vienna on Thursday.

The Polish government is more and more firmly opposed to the mandatory migrant settlement quotas proposed by the EU in the light of increasing number of immigrants from Syria and Eritrea.

The United States Supreme Court handed down two important decisions this week, striking down substantive due-process rights for immigrants, but offering procedural protections for immigrants who miss deadlines in deportation proceedings.

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) – Police in Slovakia said on Saturday they detained 60 people at an anti-immigration march in the capital Bratislava after protesters damaged police cars and attacked spectators at a cycling race.

London: Over 30,000 nurses from India and other non-European countries employed with Britain's state-funded National Health Service (NHS) could be forced to leave the UK under new immigration rules.

AS EUROPE struggles to keep Greece from default and to hold its common currency together, violent protests against immigration in Slovakia and election results in Denmark at the weekend have strengthened the forces of disunion unleashed by an impassioned debate over how to deal with a flood of migrants from conflict zones.

Children fleeing the horrors of warzones such as Syria and Afghanistan are being routinely misclassified as over-18 and locked up in adult detention centres in breach of Government policies and legal guidelines, an investigation has discovered.

Voting began Thursday in Denmark's general election with opinion polls suggesting a neck-and-neck race between Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt's left-leaning bloc and the centre-right opposition.

The Polish government is more and more firmly opposed to the mandatory migrant settlement quotas proposed by the EU in the light of increasing number of immigrants from Syria and Eritrea.

In an interview with Sputnik, Italian Senate Vice President Maurizio Gasparri warned that the government of Matteo Renzi is unprepared to deal with the refugee crisis, and that his warnings of implementing 'Plan B', which would redistribute some of the refugees seeking residency in Italy to other countries, is not backed up by firm political will.

Britain should introduce a strict ‘Australian-style’ points-based immigration system of the kind advocated by Ukip, one of Labour’s leadership contenders has said.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve hit back at Italy over responsibility for migrants on Monday, saying it must abide by European asylum rules and that France would continue to turn them back.

TONDER, Denmark, June 15 — Recalling how a group of refugees once threatened his life if he did not retract a police statement, Frank Pedersen is angry about the increasing number of immigrants in Denmark.

The EU’s migrant distribution plan appears to be in tatters, with sources in Brussels admitting that the redistribution of 24,000 African and Middle Eastern refugees currently in Italy and 16,000 in Greece will seemingly occur only on a voluntary basis.

A 23-year-old student from China who attends the prestigious University of Tokyo is now looking for a job in Japan.

The Quebec government has granted imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi a selection certificate, a first step meant to speed up his immigration process.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton ducked one shoe thrown at him and caught another on Sunday morning.

Monday, 15 June 2015 12:33

Hungary's poster war on immigration

State-funded billboard in Budapest reads: "If you come to Hungary, do not take Hungarians'" jobs.

The Conservatives have a golden opportunity capture the ethnic minority vote if they soften their stance on immigration, according to a study by party modernisers.

KRUEN:  President Barack Obama said on Monday he is frustrated by U.S. federal court rulings that have stalled his immigration executive orders and will continue to push to fix the system.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi could offer incentives to northern cities who accept more migrants in an attempt to quell an anti-immigration row brewing between the north and south.

The British government plans to significantly reduce immigration from outside the European Union, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday, teeing up a confrontation with business groups who fret their supply of skilled workers will be cut.

Budapest (AFP) - New anti-immigration billboards put up by the Hungarian government have sparked political controversy, with the head of a small opposition party admitting on Monday that he had vandalised the state-funded posters.

LONDON: Spouses of Indians coming into UK with a legitimate permission to work may soon be barred from working in Britain.

Khadija Fajry, an immigrant to both France and the US, likens nascent cosmetic industry to a goldrush in which she offers 'the real thing'.

More than 150 Eastern European migrant workers are being given free English lessons to help them get work in Salford.

According to the Royal Navy, up to half a million people are currently waiting along the Libyan coast to try to cross the Mediterranean.

UPDATED: The Swedish surveillance and rescue ship Posedion has helped a large group of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean sea from Libya.

CHANDIGARH: With the UK government recently announcing to put a cap on the skilled migrants, fate of many Indians, especially Punjabis, might hang in balance.

Monday, 08 June 2015 12:07

Italian leaders say no more migrants

ROME – Heartened by recent election successes by an anti-immigrant party, Italian politicians based in the north vowed Sunday not to shelter any more migrants saved at sea, even as thousands more were being rescued in the Mediterranean from smugglers’ boats in distress.

LONDON – British police were questioning four Polish truck drivers Friday after authorities found 68 migrants crammed in the back of trucks at a port northeast of London.

Maungdaw, Myanmar: Some 150 migrants found adrift in a boat off Myanmar’s coast were set on Monday for transfer to neighbouring Bangladesh, an immigration official said, returning them to homes many tried to flee months ago.

The Spanish government has rejected the Commission's proposal to place refugees on its territory. The executive’s plan should be “proportionate, fair and realistic”, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel García-Margallo. EurActiv Spain reports.

Do the immigration lines at airports serving Mexico's big beach resorts seem to be getting longer and longer? Actually they are, because our neighbor south of the border is enjoying double-digit upturns in tourism - and the lines will likely get even longer next year when current caps on transborder flight frequencies are tossed out.

The European Commission has submitted a proposal to find a fairer way to admit and distribute asylum seekers in the EU. But it’s up to the member states to decide, and many don’t accept the proposed distribution of migrants. The EurActiv network reports.

The largest protest staged against Britain’s most notorious immigration removal centre took place on Saturday, as campaigners denounced Yarl’s Wood as an “abomination” that should be closed immediately.

Sometimes you hear a story that serves to counteract the relentless negativity towards religions that washes around us on a daily basis.  More recently it is Muslims who have bore the brunt of this, with almost a third of schoolchildren believing that Muslims are “taking over our country”, and the fact that British Muslims face the worst job discrimination of any minority group.

June marks the second annual Immigrant Heritage Month in the United States, meant to honor the accomplishments and role of immigrants in shaping U.S. history and culture.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2013 American Community Survey, the nation's immigrant population was more than 41 million, or 13 percent of the total population of 316 million.

CANBERRA, Australia—Australia’s tough approach to asylum seekers could become a model, with Australia’s government saying it has been approached by Southeast Asian nations looking to learn from its border-security approach.

Cambodia received its first batch of asylum-seekers from Australian custody today as part of a widely-criticised deal between the two countries.

Credit Suisse pension research chief Amlan Roy just published a devastating analysis of the UK's population demographics. He concludes, in part, that the ageing population of the UK is making the economy unsustainable, absent of some major change in demographics.

Doctors and teachers working in immigration detention facilities could face up to two years in prison if they speak out against conditions in the centres or provide information to journalists, under sweeping new laws to gag whistleblowers.

There’s good news for tourists and other travelers who go to Mexico a lot, and who belong to the U.S. Global Entry Program: The Mexican feds have come up with a way for you to skirt those long, long lines snaking up to the immigration desks at big airports south of the border. It’s already up and running at three terminals: the airport serving Cancun and the Riviera Maya, the airport at Los Cabos (Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo) and at Mexico City’s Benito Juarez International Airport.

Cesar Vargas was born in Mexico, and he immigrated to the United States without documentation when he was 5. The 31-year-old graduated from City University of New York Law School in 2011 and then passed the bar, but when he applied to join the New York bar he was declined due to his immigration status.

The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of a Muslim woman who filed a lawsuit after she was denied a job at the Abercrombie & Fitch clothing chain because she wore a headscarf for religious reasons.

Dozens of asylum seekers whose boat became stranded off Indonesia's Rote Island are being transferred to immigration authorities, after they were reportedly turned away at sea by Australian authorities, Indonesian officials said.

A grassroots network of young Americans just pioneered Twitter’s first “Immigrant Parents Appreciation Day,” prompting in one day over 8,000 tweets using the hashtag #WeAreSeeds to speak out against racism and share personal stories.

They left Libya in 25 boats, and were picked up by vessels and aircraft from several European countries

The leader of France's far right National Front party said on Sunday that a visit to Egypt to meet with the country's religious and political leaders had no effect on her views on Arab and Muslim immigration to France.

This might come as a shock, but far fewer people are sneaking into the country across our southern border now than at any time in recent memory.

Hundreds of African migrants living in a shantytown in northern Paris, women and children among them, have been told to leave their tent camp after authorities said they posed high risks of epidemic sicknesses spreading in the French capital.

WARSAW — Volodymyr Zelenyuk knew it was time to bolt when the pro-Russian separatists came to the carwash he owned in the eastern Ukrainian coal town of Antratsyt and demanded his help making and repairing weapons.

Monica Camacho-Perez came to the United States from Mexico as a child, crossing into Arizona with her mother in the same spot where her father made the trip before them. “Nobody stopped us,‘‘ Camacho-Perez, now 20, said of her journey in 2002.

BANGKOK – Representatives from 17 countries and international organizations will meet in Bangkok on Friday to discuss Southeast Asia’s illegal immigrant crisis, as thousands remain stranded in boats in the Bay of Bengal.

As Europe grapples with the stream of people risking their lives on the Mediterranean to reach its borders, Hungarian authorities have stood out for their especially virulent anti-immigration rhetoric.

European Union countries are to take in 40,000 asylum seekers who flee to Italy and Greece, under proposals from the EU executive in Brussels. It is seen as the first step in a plan to introduce new immigration quotas across the union.

LONDON — Nick Evlogimenos came from Greece to Britain three years ago and now wants to see limits on both illegal and legal immigration into the country he now calls home.

For decades, Canada has been considered an international leader in integrating newcomers. It’s a proud part of our national narrative. But new data shows this long-established wisdom may no longer hold true.

The European Commission on Wednesday proposed a new immigration plan which aims to tackle the challenges of migrants seeking illegal entry into Europe.

Monica Camacho-Perez came to the United States from Mexico as a child, crossing into Arizona with her mother in the same spot where her father made the trip before them. “Nobody stopped us,’’ Camacho-Perez, now 20, said of her 2002 journey.

One of the most troubling concerns for any democracy is the extent to which sub-populations of its citizenry "live in the shadows." Living in the shadows or social exclusion (i.e. lack of access to a state identification card, bank accounts and healthcare) is the process in which individuals are reluctant to fully engage in public life in order to avoid scrutiny because of their minority status (ethnicity, citizenship, religious beliefs and/or sexual orientation).

We examined Latino populations living in the shadows within the United States, and to the extent to which they may be avoiding public life because they do not want to be discriminated against due to their citizenship status, and/or the citizenship status of their loved ones. Our analyses rely upon the groundbreaking National Latino Health and Immigration Survey, a new survey sponsored by the RWJF Center for Health Policy at the University of New Mexico and implemented by Latino Decisions. We recently showcased this dataset on a webinar for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Human Capital Network blog as well as a previous post here showcasing the content more focused on the Affordable Care Act.

The survey of 1,505 Latino adults was fielded from January 29 to March 12, 2015, and provides some of the most comprehensive data on Latinos' attitudes related to health care and immigration in the ACA era. Although there is tremendous depth to this study, we focus specifically on a selection of questions that address the notion of "living in the shadows."

Are Latinos Living in the Shadows?

The question that we wanted to pursue with this line of inquiry is essentially: How many Latinos are "living in the shadows," and among Latinos, who are most likely to be reluctant to step out of the shadows and fully engage in public life? To get an answer we started by simply asking: "Have you ever avoided the following activities because you don't want to be bothered or asked about your citizenship status?" We asked specifically about daily life activities like taking public transportation, renewing or applying for a driver's license, talking with teachers and school officials, reporting crime to police and visiting a doctor or clinic.

Results from the survey indicate that the majority of Latinos, 70 percent overall, are not concerned by inquiries about their immigration status. This figure makes sense, given that the majority of Latinos in our sample are U.S. citizens, and a majority of Latinos who are not U.S. citizens are lawful permanent residents. Nevertheless, we do find evidence that a substantial percentage of Latinos do report adjusting aspects of their day-to-day life because they do not want to be bothered or asked about their citizenship status. In fact, we learned that overall, about seven percent of Latino adults shy away from contact with educators, nine percent avoid taking public transportation, nine percent steer clear of visiting health care providers, and 13 percent pass on reporting crime to police.

One of the most important sources of variation in this battery is language use. We find that Spanish-dominant Latinos (58 percent of the sample) are more likely to avoid certain aspects of life due to fears of being harassed about their immigration status. More specifically, 15 percent of Spanish dominant Latinos responded that they avoided contact with educators, 19 percent avoided taking public transportation, 16 percent avoided going to a doctor, and 19 percent avoided reporting crime to the police because they did not want to be bothered or asked about their citizenship status. These results signal a deep-rooted problem in our society and should be of concern for public servants and health care service delivery personnel interested in eliminating social and health disparities.

What does immigration mean for Latino access to health care?

Given our emphasis on the health care industry, we unpack how our findings affect the community of stakeholders in health care. Looking at the average count of self-reported visits to health care providers, we find that those living in the shadows -- measured as having avoided at least one of the activities that we ask about -- systematically report fewer health care visits. And this contrast appears sharpest for Latinos who are 30-34 years old, precisely the age demographic most needed in the risk pool to make health insurance through the ACA affordable for everyone.

Another important component of this survey is that we are able to provide perspective on an important question: Does fear of being tracked by the government for immigration reasons impact Latino take-up of health insurance through the ACA marketplaces or exchanges? We know that privacy and sharing personal information was a concern raised by Latinos during the launch of the website. The administration addressed this very concern in March of 2014 in an interview on Univision, the Spanish language cable news network. In that interview, President Obama assured Latinos that the website, and the version in Spanish, is not to be used to collect information for immigration enforcement agencies, such as U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement. To assess Latino reactions, we asked respondents which statement they agree with more:

1) "Personal information I provide to my doctor and health care providers is secure and kept private" or;

2) "Personal information I provide to my doctor and health care providers is sometimes shared and not always secure."

Approximately 24 percent of respondents stated that the personal information they provide their doctors and health care providers is sometimes shared and not always secure. However, if respondents personally knew someone that has been detained or deported (36 percent of the sample), this sentiment of feeling that your personal information is notsecure increases to 29 percent. Our interpretation of these results suggests that the externalities and consequences of immigration enforcement through mass deportations are spilling over to the health care arena and are undermining much of the hard work going into the administration's key domestic policy program.

One of the key lessons that we have gleaned from our investigation based on the 2015 National Latino Health and Immigration Survey is that Latinos may not view government as compartmentalized by policy area. Their lived experiences are much more complex. Latinos are simultaneously the targets of two of the largest bureaucracy developments in history: one charged with the provision of health care, the other for the purpose of enforcing immigration law.

There is already clear indication that health care practitioners are customizing their outreach and delivery systems to address the spill-over effects of immigration to health care provision. This is wise of physicians and nurses because the daily lives of many of their Latino clients are located at the confluence of the immigration and health policy streams. Whether policy makers and immigration enforcement officials modify their approach to take into account the collateral impact of their policies on the health of their fellow countrymen and women remains an open question.

For better or worse, the take-away from our study is that immigration policy is health policy, and health policy is immigration policy. This is directly in line with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's new priority of establishing a culture of health, where health and well-being is thought of comprehensively. Our findings suggests the need for public servants (teachers, police officers, school administrators) and health care providers to better understand the role social stigma plays in pushing hard to reach populations in the shadows to better engage our collective concerted effort to reduce health disparities.

Source: The Huffington Post

LONDON - Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday restricting European Union migrant access to Britain's welfare system was a red line in his negotiations with the bloc, ahead of an EU summit he wants to use to launch informal talks on the issue.

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