Saturday, 27 July 2024 11:54

Everywhere in America, immigration is an unending story. Everywhere, that is, except at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, where the story ends in 1954, when the immigrant processing and detention station there was closed.

BRUSSELS — Struggling to cope with a growing migrant crisis in the Mediterranean, European leaders promised on Thursday to triple their spending on border protection and approved plans to intensify efforts to root out smugglers’ boats before they could set sail, among other measures.

SOLLENTUNA, Sweden - Children's laughter and nursery rhymes resonate through the library as young mums play with their babies: in a suburb outside Stockholm, a group of immigrants is trying to learn Swedish and integrate into society.

More than five million visas are set to be issued by Australia this year, a new record due to an increase in students and short term workers, it has been confirmed.

If current trends and policies continue, immigrants will account for the largest share of US population ever by 2023, and white Americans will become a minority by 2044, conservative groups are claiming, citing US Census Bureau data.

Deportations have plummeted by another 25 percent so far this year, with the government even struggling to find enough criminals to kick out of the country, according to the latest statistics that suggest President Obama’s amnesty has hampered removal efforts.

KUALA LUMPUR - The RM35 fee for the online renewal of foreign workers' permits over a point of contention for employers and businesses will be abolished from May 2 and its costs absorbed by the Government.

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom: With the political debate about Islam heating up ahead of Britain’s general elections next month, the impact is particularly keenly felt in Birmingham – a city where a quarter of the population is Muslim.

In the heat of a Libyan afternoon, in a makeshift detention center outside the coastal town of Misrata, a young woman lay on the ground, suffering from severe dehydration.

A new Pew Research Center report out Thursday finds that black immigrants now account for 8.7 percent of the country's black population, nearly triple their share in 1980. A record 3.8 million black immigrants are living in the nation today and while most are from the Caribbean, Africans immigrants drive most recent growth.

Two long-standing concerns among newcomers to Canada were addressed in the government of Canada’s annual budget, details of which were announced this week. The budget addresses how immigrants might do better once they settle in Canada, as well as how they can better help their families back home.

VORRA, Germany — Even as European officials struggle with an unrelenting tide of migrants trying to enter the Continent, tranquil villages like this one in a picture-book valley in northern Bavaria are coping with the legions who have already arrived.

For organizers like Celeste Faison, the fight for civil rights isn't limited to the U.S.-born black community. It also extends to immigrants who experience hardships caused by what she sees as the nation's broken immigration system.

Nigel Farage has said he would prefer immigrants from India and Australia to eastern Europeans, despite previously claiming that his party would not want to discriminate against new arrivals by nationality.

Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has been accused of mentally torturing a 5-year-old girl by keeping her in a detention center for asylum seekers on the Pacific island of Nauru.

Britain's financial technology industry could face a dearth of suitable employees to fill job positions if the next government tightens controls over immigration, says recruitment firm Morgan McKinley.

Now that Florida Senator Marco Rubio has officially entered the presidential foray, one issue that continues to plague his candidacy among conservatives is immigration. But should immigration really doom Rubio's presidential ambitions this primary season? Because most Republican candidates - or likely candidates - have their own inconsistencies.

TRÖGLITZ, Germany — As Europe confronts a rapidly escalating migration crisis driven by war, persecution and poverty in an arc of strife from West Africa to Afghanistan, even high-level European officials are beginning to admit the obvious.

Multicultural areas, particularly those without a shared language, tend to produce more individuals who efficiently rely on nonverbal expression of emotions to gauge what others are thinking.

Wealthy countries should agree on a comprehensive plan to take one million refugees from Syria over the next five years to end the unfolding series of boat disasters in the Mediterranean, the UN’s special rapporteur on the human rights of migrants has urged.

The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation released a report this week on high-skilled immigrant visas. It comes at a time when the demand for H1-B visas is at a record high, and when Utah’s senior Senator Orrin Hatch has reintroduced a proposal that could more than double the number of these visas available.

Europe is the cause of the current migrant crisis in the Mediterranean - or the solution, depending on whom you talk to. European heads of state have been called to an emergency summit on Thursday to address the growing number of people drowning in the crossing from North Africa to Europe. European lawmakers, talking to RFI, welcomed the attention being paid to the issue but questioned whether the political will to tackle the issue is there.

The European Commission is planning to propose a pilot program on sharing the burden of refugee resettlement among all EU members, the European migration policy chief said Monday.

Heads of the European Union’s member states will gather for an emergency meeting on immigration on Thursday, European Council President Donald Tusk announced Monday.

For tens of thousands of migrants who survive the hazardous crossing of the Mediterranean, the journey often continues as they slip through cracks in Italy's border controls and head north.

Another day, another death trap in the Mediterranean. We thought 2014 was bad: a record death toll, a surge in arrivals on European shores – and notably record numbers saved by the Italian search-and-rescue mission that plied 30,000 square miles of sea, fishing hundreds out of the water every day.

A group of globe-trotting friends in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain have banded together as a lobby group and created an online petition aimed at eliminating immigration controls between the four Commonwealth countries.

Whether it is the attacks on migrants crossing the Mediterranean or questions about Nick Clegg's heritage, our national debate on immigration has taken a nasty turn.

As the sun beat down on day two of the L.A. Times Festival of Books, visitors stayed cool in USC’s darkened Ray Stark theater. But the room was silent as a documentary opened with bustling scenes of Manila, Philippines flickering across the screen.

After attaining independence from its colonial ruler in 1994, South Africa became a model of racial unity in Africa, as well as a poster-child of economic prosperity in the region. It also attracted a lot of foreign immigrants.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement may be wasting loads of money flying illegal immigrants home on expensive but largely empty charter flights, according to federal auditors.

ROME — European leaders were confronted on Monday with a humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, as estimates that as many as 900 migrants may have died off the Libyan coast this weekend prompted calls for a new approach to the surging number of refugees crossing from Africa and the Middle East.

Foreign ministers join interior ministers for talks after boat smuggling 700 migrants capsized off Libya

The majority of Japanese support a more open immigration policy with the number of those willing to accept foreigners who want to permanently settle doubling over the last five years, an Asahi Shimbun survey shows.

 Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has asked fellow EU leaders to hold an emergency meeting on immigration this week following the latest migrant drownings, Renzi's spokesman said on Sunday.

Monday, 20 April 2015 11:27

US: Immigration Day to honor 12 people

HARTFORD — Connecticut immigrants and their contributions to the state are being honored at a state Capitol ceremony Tuesday.

A new Daily Yonder study shows that rural counties with more immigrants also tend to be performing better economically. Rural America’s foreign-born residents may be moving to counties that have more jobs, but immigrants also create more economic opportunity when they get there, economists say.

Monday, 20 April 2015 11:26

Queens lawmakers host immigration forum

Residents from diverse Jackson Heights and beyond got a chance to have questions answered on changing immigration laws last week during an immigration forum hosted by U.S. Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Jackson Heights), state Assemblyman Francisco Moya (D-Jackson Heights) and state Sen.

As part of Cities United for Immigration Action, Mayor David Maher and City Manager Richard Rossi announced that Cambridge has joined 73 cities and counties to file a new friend-of-the-court brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Texas versus United States lawsuit, urging immediate implementation of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. City Councilor Leland Cheung also sponsored the order.

Principal Joyce Akridge tries to squeeze in learning at every moment, like at lunchtime, at IPS School 79. She uses "down time" to play stealth learning games that make the kids think, like call-and-response and motion games about brain foods, clapping rhythms and counting games.

Seattle — To ready herself for a job hunt, Niyati Desai has started updating her résumé and reaching out to professional contacts.

South Africa has arrested hundreds of suspects in connection with a recent wave of anti-immigration violence, the country's minister of home affairs said Sunday.

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and 21 other members of Congress are demanding the Government Accountability Office conduct a formal audit of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services out of growing suspicion that money is being improperly used to fund President Obama’s unilateral immigration actions in violation of court order.

Monday, 20 April 2015 11:02

Judges Weigh Fate of Immigration Policy

NEW ORLEANS — An argument from U. S. Department of Justice lawyers that the state of Texas doesn’t have standing to challenge the Obama administration's controversial immigration policy met with resistance from a pair of federal appellate judges Friday.

Thomas de Maizière is convinced Germany does not need a new immigration law. But outside the center-right, many are in favour of making it easier for foreign nationals to enter the labour market, where they are urgently needed. EurActiv Germany reports.

The number of migrants caught trying to enter Spain illegally rose by almost 70 per cent in 2014 compared to the previous year.

Ukip’s general election manifesto will reinstate a 50,000-a-year cap on immigration – a target that leader Nigel Farage scrapped just weeks ago – throwing new confusion over the party’s core policy issue on the day of its launch.

Appellate judges on Friday were to consider whether to lift a temporary hold imposed by a federal judge in Texas on President Barack Obama's executive action seeking to shield millions of immigrants from deportation.

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is drafting a new immigration reform bill that lawmakers could start debating within the coming months, the chair of the caucus, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), said Thursday.

Between chants of, "No papers, no fear" and "Yes, we can," several New Orleans immigrants gathered in Lafayette Square Thursday (April 16) night spoke emotionally about the positive impact President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration would have on their lives.

Steve Choi head of the New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) spoke at City Hall ahead of Gov. Cuomo’s State of the State address to unveil NYIC’s 2015 “Immigrant Equality Agenda.” The 2015 agenda outlines key priority areas to support immigrant communities in New York, including passage of the New York State DREAM Act

Following the tragic death of 400 migrants off the European coast, international human rights bodies have launched extensive social media campaigns to raise awareness of the devastating humanitarian situation of immigrants trying to reach Europe. The International Organization of Migration (IOM) launched the #MigrantHeroes social media campaign in order to challenge "an increasingly negative perception of migrants and their contributions to society."

 GREENWOOD LAKE - The "Learn at Your Library" lecture series at the Greenwood Lake Public Library, 79 Waterstone Road, will present “Paper Angels: The History of Chinese Immigration” with Jeffrey S. Dosik, librarian and National Park Service ranger for the Statue of Liberty Monument and Ellis Island, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. May 31.

The tech industry hasn’t been able to separate the need for more high-skilled foreign workers with the broader fight over immigration reform, the head of Cisco acknowledged Wednesday, in what he seemed to frame as a tactical mistake in recent years.

A California Senate Health Committee voted 7-0 Wednesday to expand health care coverage for all Californians, regardless of their immigration status.

Just before 5 p.m., wave after wave of smiling toddlers came bounding down the stairs, their grandparents from China breathlessly in tow.

Thursday, 16 April 2015 16:10

Korea’s Immigration Policy Backlash

Late last month, the South Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family presented an open discussion titled “Changes and Alternative Models in the Korean Multicultural Family Policy Paradigm.

Detaining immigrants in camps is not the solution to stopping xenophobic attacks in South Africa, a leading South African diversity expert told RFI on Thursday. Gwede Mantashe, the secretary general of the ruling African National Congress, has suggested that putting immigrants in camps and tightening immigration laws is the answer to a wave of anti-immigrant violence.

The private prison industry’s growing role in immigrant detention is due in part to Congress' requiring the federal government to maintain some 34,000 detention beds, according to a report released Wednesday.

One of the key issues in the 2016 presidential campaign is certain to be how the candidates propose to deal with illegal immigration, from border security to the treatment of undocumented individuals already in the United States.

TOKYO—As its labor force shrinks, Japan is looking abroad to fill jobs like health-care aide, convenience-store manager and construction worker.

SAN FRANCISCO — It is the one major hope for at least temporary relief from the threat of deportation that immigrants like William Ortiz face daily: President Obama's executive order providing temporary stay of deportation and a work permit.

Tax payments by the 11.4 million undocumented immigrants in the United States would substantially increase, adding billions to their contributions in state and local taxes, if a comprehensive immigration reform allowed them to work in the country legally, according to a new 50-state study, conducted by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank.

Companies are seeking more foreign workers than ever before to fill highly skilled jobs in technology and other industries, but the United States will grant visas to just a fraction of them in a lottery that began this week.

Marco Rubio is now at the point in his post-announcement media blitz when he's answering questions about previous post-announcement interviews. During an appearance on Fox News' "The Kelly File" on Tuesday, host Megyn Kelly asked the Florida Republican about his comment to NPR's "Morning Edition" that he's "done more on on immigration than Hillary Clinton ever did." Kelly argued that might not endear him to the conservative voters who didn't like the 2013 comprehensive immigration bill.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:24

Greece Debates Solution to Refugee Crisis

Greece has reached a critical point with regards to the strong wave of refugees and illegal immigrants. The local government has also demanded that Europe should provide the necessary assistance so that the problem can be solved.

Growth in global remittances, including those to developing countries, will slow sharply this year due to weak economic growth in Europe, deterioration of the Russian economy and the depreciation of the euro and ruble, according to the World Bank.

Two million UK citizens working abroad could become illegal immigrants overnight if Britain were to leave the European Union, former attorney general Dominic Grieve has warned.

 “I don’t say it impolitely, but I say it directly: I don’t want to see you here again,” said Muriel Domenach, the French Consul General in Istanbul, talking about her conversations with visa-seeking Turks.

Listening to her, one gets the feeling that she would like to say this to as many people as possible.

Britain would "fall apart" without immigration, a former senior Conservative minister has argued.

In a move that could affect tens of thousands of detainees, a federal judge in Seattle has ordered the Department of Justice to obey a law that allows for the release of some undocumented immigrants without posting a bond.

An affluent Pole has challenged an anti-immigration British politician to a duel.

ROME — With spring barely arrived, the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean is already approaching last year’s record levels after a startling weekend in which more than 5,600 people were rescued from a small armada of smugglers’ wooden and rubber boats, even as nine others died after their vessel capsized.

A federal appeals court panel assigned to consider whether to temporarily lift a block on President Barack Obama's latest round of immigration-related executive actions leans Republican, 2-1, and contains a sharply conservative judge who drew national attention for clashing with the administration over Obama's health care reform law.

The rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and its impact on European societies, shows how interconnected our world is today. We cannot afford to be ignorant about the Middle East. What happens there has an effect on Europe’s diverse societies, and the same is true for Ireland.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy opened a Euro-Mediterranean meeting on terror in Barcelona on Monday, making veiled references to the issue of Catalan independence in his opening remarks and warning that jihadism should not be confused with Islam.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:16

Denmark's queen urges immigrants to adapt

Denmark's Queen Margrethe says immigrants don't have to like Danish food, but they must respect the country's core values.

Federal Immigration and Integration Minister of Germany, Aydan Özoğuz has revealed that she is receiving death threats.

'I am an Immigrant' poster proves immigration is good for Britain

On a sunny spring day, it would seem that nothing could disturb the peace of the sleepy German village of Tröglitz, as the residents quietly go about their business or take walks in the blossom-scented air.

There will be financial sanctions for trusts which do not bill patients who should be charged

Dresden is bracing itself for a high turnout for the next PEGIDA rally, where outspoken anti-immigration Dutch populist, Geert Wilders, is to make an appearance. Opponents say the invitation crossed a "red line."

Failed asylum seekers can have their personal information disclosed to foreign governments in order to obtain travel documents if they are involuntarily deported, according to an immigration department manual.

Central American migrants heading to the United States often risk their lives trekking through jungles and jumping freight trains, only to be nabbed by the US Border Patrol. Now an increasing number are being turned back before they even reach the Rio Grande — by Mexican police.

A Nebraska city’s ordinance that bans renting homes to immigrants living in the country illegally is having little effect because Fremont officials haven’t been able to determine applicants’ citizenship status.

About 80 percent of unaccompanied minors attended their first court hearing between July 18, 2014, and Feb. 24, 2015, according to the U.S. Executive Office for Immigration Review, which oversees immigration courts.

The history of America is rich in stories of immigrants coming with nothing but a small suitcase of clothes and a dream of a better tomorrow. Odds are good that there is a story like this in your family heritage.

Two of the country’s most powerful and politically influential labor unions are backing President Obama in the recent court challenge to his 2014 executive action on illegal immigration, saying they support the president’s effort because "undocumented workers" need more workplace protection and their participation helps the U.S. economy.

Washington — Sen. Marco Rubio's changing stance on immigration has alienated advocates on both sides of the debate, and analysts say the contentious issue could trip up the Florida Republican in his bid to become the first Latino president.

Rubio is expected to officially announce his candidacy Monday in Miami.

Friday, 10 April 2015 11:49

America needs to curb immigration flows

Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama, is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s immigration subcommittee.

Hempstead School Board President Lamont Johnson met with community members and parents on Oct. 17, 2014, to discuss the turning away of students throughout the district. A report released Wednesday, April 8, 2015, says the number of unaccompanied immigrant children coming to the U.S. is expected to increase. Photo Credit: Johnny Milano

A coalition of immigration activists, community organizers and unions are rallying around a comprehensive strategy to create millions of new Democratic voters by defending President Obama’s executive orders on immigration and helping illegal immigrants.

More than 250 St. John’s University students, faculty, and administrators joined diplomats, community leaders, and scholars for a two-day conference that explored the economic and social ramifications of rising Hispanic immigration to the United States. 

Rapidly growing numbers of black immigrants have reshaped the overall black population in the United States in recent decades, particularly in Washington and other cities with large U.S.-born African American communities, a new report says.

What many of Gloria Chacon’s young clients don’t know is that she spent her high school years living here illegally.

A Senate committee voted without fanfare Wednesday to advance two immigration-related proposals, paving the way for a floor debate.

With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.

Thursday, 09 April 2015 21:11

President's Immigration Plan in Limbo

President Obama's plan to keep immigrants from being deported continues to be blocked by a federal judge in Brownsville.

A campaign group is making a case for immigration in the UK, saying it is "gravely concerned" by politicians' rhetoric on the issue.

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