Saturday, 27 July 2024 06:35

Houston- A coalition of states suing to stop President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration asked a federal judge Tuesday not to lift a temporary hold on the directives.

Nigel Farage has dropped Ukip’s plan to cap immigration at 50,000 arrivals a year, saying his policy is now just a return to “normality”.

Congress is facing a Friday deadline that would furlough 30,000 unessential workers from the Department of Homeland Security and force the rest of the massive agency to work without a paycheck. The shutdown battle is being waged largely over immigration policy – even though new data suggests the U.S. public as a whole doesn’t share the passion of hardcore conservatives who want to defund Obama’s executive action granting up to 5 million illegal immigrants protection from deportation.

As Florida lawmakers made a last-minute fundraising push on Monday, a group of activists gathered outside the Governor's Club to support immigration reform.

A Texas judge says a coalition of states suing to stop President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration has until Monday to respond to a request by the U.S. government to lift a temporary hold of Obama's orders.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, set the deadline in a court order he issued Tuesday.

A federal judge last week approved a settlement between the federal government and attorneys for nine undocumented-immigrant plaintiffs who accused the federal government of using deceptive and sometimes coercive tactics to expel them from the country. The settlement allows hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of expelled immigrants to return to the United States to seek legal status.

A rally in support of President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration drew about 300 people on Sunday to the Hope Community Center in Apopka.

House Republican leaders vowed Sunday to keep trying to block President Barack Obama ’s immigration measures as they continue to struggle over how to keep funding the Homeland Security Department.

The Government’s tough rhetoric on immigration is alienating migrant communities and causing “new forms of racism” to break out across the country, a major study will warn today.

The leader of the UK Independence Party is promising a breakthrough in the May parliamentary elections.

Ken Clarke has agreed to leave his role as Justice Secretary but is likely to remain in the Government

Clashes have broken out in Rome on the eve of a rally by Italy's right-wing Northern League party, during a counter-protest by activists opposed to the party's anti-immigrant stand.

As the Republican Congress tried this week to get itself out of the box it put itself in, President Obama was in Miami, aggressively ratcheting up the political pressure on the GOP on the issue underlying the standoff over funding the Department of Homeland Security — immigration. Here are three reasons why the president is winning this fight:

The Hispanic population in the U.S. will have a significant impact on job growth over the next 20 years, and South Florida will play a key role in that job spurt, says a new national study.

Children in immigration detention should be held for no longer than three days, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists has said in a new position statement.

ASHEVILLE – Paying for college is tough for most anyone. But for Melvis Madrigal and students like him, it's even more challenging.

On immigration reform, rhetoric has often been out of sync with public opinion. Despite roughly three-quarters of Americans supporting the goals behind President Obama’s executive action on immigration, Obama’s new immigration plan has run into repeated Republican roadblocks. Republican governors in 26 states are suing the Obama administration, claiming that the order exceeded Obama’s authority.

David Cameron will go into the May election with net migration to the UK three times as high as he promised at the 2010 election, official figures revealed today.

The Conservatives have failed spectacularly to deliver their pledge to reduce net migration to less than 100,000 a year.

Bavaria is renowned for its world-famous 'Oktoberfest' which attracts hundreds of thousands of foreigners each year. Last week, however, the Christian Social Union (CSU), which rules the state, made clear that only a certain type of foreigner is welcome to stay for longer: Those who speak German.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 15:18

De-link Islam from Terror: Canadian Muslims

CAIRO – A semantic battle over the use of language linking Islam to terrorism has been raging recently in Canada, as the country Muslim community called on federal government to stop using these terms which demonize the whole community.

Residents living in an area of Southampton shown in the controversial programme Immigration Street have said it has left the community "fractured" and fearing a backlash.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 14:53

Govt raps extremists for ‘hijacking Islam’

The Kingdom has intensified efforts to counter extremist groups locally and abroad who are attempting to hijack Islam, the Cabinet said here on Monday.

The United States' long-time policy of automatically granting residence to Cubans who step foot on U.S. soil will not change "any time soon."

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 14:45

Scots-Romanians angry at immigration documentary

The Romanian community in Scotland has hit out at a controversial Channel 4 documentary which focused on poverty stricken gypsy immigrants looking for a better life in the UK.

The U.S. government said the spouses of skilled foreign tech workers with H-1B visas will be able to apply for worker permits of their own starting on May 26. Above, IBM employee Yang Bo shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry after being the first Chinese citizen to be issued a ten-year visa in November. Jason Lee/Reuters

Douglas Carswell says immigration has helped Britain thrive as Ukip leader pushes for points-based system to ensure immigrants can support themselves.

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced a new proposal Monday to block President Obama’s immigration orders, redirecting his party’s strategy in an attempt to avoid a funding lapse for the Department of Homeland Security.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 14:41

Uncertainty dogs Obama’s immigration plans

Washington: US President Barack Obama faces a tough political and legal battle to drive through an amnesty for five million illegal immigrants, but uncertainty may prove as big a hurdle as Congress or the courts.

Early in the summer of 2007, a doctoral student named Mehnaz M. Afridi traveled from her California home to a conference in southern Germany. Her official role was to deliver a paper on anti-Semitism in Egyptian literature, a rather loaded subject for a Muslim scholar. Seventy miles away, she had another appointment, and an even riskier agenda.

The lack of diversity among this year's Oscar acting nominees (all 20 are white) and the perceived lack of opportunity for minorities in Hollywood generally were subjects of criticism in the run-up to the ceremony. And in their acceptance speeches, some of the winners broadened the discussion to income inequality, incarceration and immigration.

Obama administration seeks to reverse Texas judge's immigration ruling


The Obama administration moved Monday to reverse a federal judge’s order in Texas that blocked a White House plan to shield up to 5 million immigrants from deportation.

SYDNEY--Australia will strengthen its immigration laws and crack down on groups that incite hatred under a raft of counterterrorism measures introduced Monday in a bid to combat the threat from home grown terrorists.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015 11:33

Hungarian PM Demands Tougher Immigration Law

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Antal Rogán, leader of the political party Fidesz, have called for tightening immigration laws in their country, the website reports.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Most children who are currently held in Australian immigration detention facilities will be released soon, Australia's Department of Immigration and Border Protection Secretary Michael Pezzullo said Monday at a Senate committee.

 “There are British Muslim girls who believe they will go to paradise if they marry a jihadist,” Souad Talsi tells me frankly. “Being married to a man who becomes a martyr gives her status. That dangerous view is reinforced by mothers who have been absorbed by a blanket fundamentalist Muslim mentality that has no bearing on the beliefs and cultures of their country or parents.

The idea of this book comes in accordance with the CCME activities that promote thinking about the relationship between media and migration , a symposium held during the first conference of Moroccan journalists in the world, in Al Jadida in February 2011  brought together 250 journalists and media professionals from 19 countries, mostly social actors and journalists in major international media.

Conceived and directed by Hakima Lebbar, psychoanalyst. This book brings together texts and visual works of over sixty women in Morocco of different religious cultures mainly Jewish, Christian and Muslim.

Proceedings of the International Symposium, bands, May 21, 2014

The CCME has published a new book entitled : "Moroccan Immigration in Spain: Portraits" which seeks to present to the Moroccan public ,the Moroccans living in Spain who managed the challenge of a positive integration in the host country but are outside the Spectrum of media attention.

Her son was killed in 2012 by the jihadist Mohamed Merah in France. Latifa Ibn Ziaten goes to preach the Islam of tolerance in the abandoned suburbs of the French Republic. Interview.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Attorneys for the Los Angeles Unified School District will give legal help to some students facing deportation under a newly approved plan.

Terrorism and illegal migration are issues that for Hungary, in its particular position, cannot be handled separately, a government official said in Brussels.

It is a cold day  in Skane county, south of Sweden, but the Brazilian Samba and the Arabic Durbakah is shaking the audience and keeping them warm, composing the background music of Malmo's demonstration against Pegida's first public presence in the third largest city in Sweden.

The Prince of Wales has expressed his alarm at the number of young people in the UK being radicalised and queried why the British values are failing to be taken on board by children who grow up and are schooled in the UK.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared a Senate stalemate Tuesday over immigration provisions attached to a Homeland Security spending bill, and called on the House to make the next move to avoid an agency shutdown.

The Nigerian Immigration Service, Zamfara State Command, has repatriated 450 irregular immigrants from Niger, Cameroon and other neighbouring African countries as part of measures to check the influx of illegal immigrants ahead of the general elections.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015 11:10

Most religious voices want immigration reform

When Pope Francis speaks before the U.S. Congress in September, will he take up immigration reform? "If what's happened in recent months serves as a testament to the purpose of Pope Francis," says Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, "he'll defend the same things as the Gospel: the poor, the immigrants and, of course, life."

The home secretary, Theresa May, will on Monday announce a wide-ranging independent review of the welfare of immigrants held in detention centres or set for escort, including prior to deportation.

SALE, Morocco — Morocco announced Monday that 65 percent of migrants applying for legal status were approved — about 18,000 people — in the first year of the country's new immigration policy.

One in two Danish citizens favor a cap on the number of Muslims permitted to live in Denmark, a YouGov poll indicates. The poll, which was conducted for the Danish publication

Israeli government ministers are being warned to prepare for “large-scale immigration” as anti-Semitism rises abroad.

The spread of vibrant social diversity is constricting the GOP’s ability to champion conservative causes, such as smaller government and independent families, President Barack Obama said in a softball media interview.

The U.S. government issued 5.46 million work permits to non-immigrant foreigners from 2009 to 2014, according to a conservative think-tank.

The Australian government has announced a five-year plan to strengthen immigration and border control in Burma.

Since applying for a green card in 2004, India native Vivek Goel earned a second master’s degree, launched a career in software development and conceived a vision for his own consulting business. He is still waiting for the green card.

A resolution demanding passport controls on the Norwegian-Swedish border was drafted during an annual meeting of Norway's Fremskrittspartiet, Vaermlands Folkblad newspaper reported Tuesday.

Rabat – The Moroccan-Jewish couple who wanted to immigrate to Israel following their eviction from an apartment where they had lived for 46 years, have reportedly cancelled their plans to leave the country after receiving a call from the Interior Ministry, Mohammed Hassad, promising them to open an investigation on the subject.

United Nations (Sputnik) – EU member states must accept that immigrants will continue to enter and settle in Europe and official ways must be developed for them to do it, UN Special Rapporteur on migrant rights said Thursday in Brussels.

Rabat – François Fillon, the former Prime Minister of France, is reportedly willing to review the 1905 French law on the separation of church and state in order to “successfully integrate” the Muslim community in France.

When British incarceration inspection expert Hindpal Singh Bhui last month paid his first visit to a Japanese immigration detention center, his overriding initial impression was that it looked like a prison.

Dubai arrested thousands of illegal immigrants in the country last year, said an immigration official this week. Migrant workers are pictured near the Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world, in Dubai May 9, 2013. REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah.

If the Republicans’ quest to kill President Barack Obama’s Executive Orders on immigration works, the question arises of what happens to the over 700,000 illegal immigrants who already applied for Obama’s programs and expect to be protected from deportation.

Australian trade unions are calling for a Senate Inquiry into the skilled migration visa system in response to proposals to revamp the programme.

Abuja — The Comptroller General of Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS), Mr. David Parradang has said the service generated a sum of $15 million through the Nigerian missions abroad where it currently issues e-passports in 2014.

Washington (AP) — Senate Republicans put Democrats on record for a second time Wednesday against legislation combining Homeland Security funding with rollbacks of President Barack Obama's immigration policies. But there was little evidence Congress was any closer to a solution to fund the department past Feb. 27 as that deadline approaches.

The new Greek government led by the left-wing Syriza party will ditch Operation Xenios Zeus, a controversial program aimed at restricting irregular immigration and crime in Athens.

Advocates say detention of women and children is 'misguided' response to recent surge in migrants from Central America.

Washington(Sputnik) — Senators from US President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party on Tuesday defeated a Republican bill that would defund President Obama’s immigration reforms, while providing funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), according to the Senate’s Democratic group statement.

Politicians in Germany, a top destination for immigrants, are grappling with how best to channel the surge. A points-system like that in Canada might be the answer, some argue.

65% of US Muslims feel Americans, first; only 45% of European Muslims feel French or German, first. Here's why

Berlin (dpa) – Chancellor Angela Merkel paved the way Tuesday for a wide debate about Germany's immigration laws, declaring that the current rules need to be reviewed.

Immigration experts say couples applying for permanent residency shouldn’t have to choose between coming to Canada on their own or staying in their home country with their newborn — so long as proper immigration procedures are followed.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen confirmed Tuesday that illegal immigrants granted amnesty from deportation under President Obama’s new policies would be able to get extra refunds from the IRS for money they earned while working illegally, as long as they filed returns during those years.

Mrs. Zhou avoids the city. In the seven years she’s lived and worked in Beijing’s vast northern suburbs, she’s ventured only once to the capital’s peak-roofed core. Raised in a village in Henan province, she never learned to read or write much. Subway maps and street signs are impenetrable. She frets about getting lost.

Your average Daily Mail reader might take advantage of the newspaper's £1 ferry offer to load up on bargain French wine, tour the battlefields or visit the charming Bologne-sur-Mer.

The long process of revamping the province’s immigration policies got off to a sobering start Wednesday when provincial human rights officials said racism and discrimination persist in Quebec’s workplaces.

The Indian Government has merged the provisions of Person of Indian Origin (“PIO”)1 scheme with the norms pertaining to Overseas Citizens of India (“OCI”)2. This welcome move is likely to streamline the immigration norms for overseas citizens.

LOS ANGELES — Asians have been slower to sign up for President Barack Obama's reprieve for young immigrants in the country illegally, and community advocates are ramping up efforts to reach thousands more who are eligible for his expanded immigration plan.

 QUEBEC — It was a heartfelt plea from one of the province’s oldest minority communities: Help us better integrate and feel like full citizens to stop the exodus.

MIAMI – Uncertainty over a possible change in U.S. immigration policy vis-a-vis Cuba has resulted in a marked increase in arrivals from the communist island, with Cuban migrants coming to this country on rafts, across the Mexican border or from other countries.

NASSAU, Bahamas — Kenson Timothee was walking down the street when a uniformed officer asked him a question that sends Bahamians of Haitian descent like him into a panic these days: Do you have a passport?

MOSCOW, February 1 (Sputnik) – Two people were arrested Sunday for running out on the court during the finals of the Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne, protesting the Australian government's harsh policy on asylum seekers, the Australian Open's official Twitter said.

Due to scarcity of resources used in the issuing of passports at Malawi Immigration Department, reports indicate that they will only be issuing passports to people in scenarios of emergencies, Malawi24 can reveal.

The tourist destination of Fez will have transavia connecting to Paris in the month of May. Casablanca, it will be in July.

At Fieldale Farms in Gainesville, Ga., workers cut up chicken breasts and feed the parts into machines. The pieces are then marinated, breaded and eventually sold to restaurants.

While the debate over immigration reform often appears to revolve around politics, the root of the issue is economics.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As congressional Republicans weigh whether to file a lawsuit against President Barack Obama for his executive actions on immigration, 60% of Americans say they are dissatisfied with the level of immigration into the country today.

Thursday, 29 January 2015 11:47

Demographics Rule Europe’s Likely Future

Without immigration, Europe’s population would be plummeting because Europeans, by and large, have stopped procreating.

The Obama administration has ordered immigration agents to ask immigrants they encounter living in the country illegally whether they might qualify under President Obama's plans to avoid deporting them, according to internal training materials obtained by The Associated Press.

The election in Greece has jolted Europe’s political landscape: as a response to years of vicious austerity measures, the decisive victory of the radical left party Syriza has shaken up a country and a region long mired in economic and social despair.

Members of the public, lawyers, and showbiz celebs in Vietnam have frowned on the national performing department’s proposal to ban models and beauties who have competed in other countries without seeking prior permission from going abroad.

Recent federal policies to limit deportations and state programs to expand financial aid have benefited college students who entered the country illegally, but those young people still face emotional, educational and money problems, according to a new national study by UCLA researchers.

Decision 'inconsistent' with intention of international law, according to Human Rights Watch.

Thursday, 29 January 2015 11:24

Cameron admits failure to control immigration

The Prime Minister has admitted that the issue of immigration, which for years all political parties bar UKIP avoided speaking about, has not been “controlled properly”.

WASHINGTON—The Justice Department has a special date reserved for thousands of immigrants awaiting their day in court: the day after Thanksgiving in 2019.

Amsterdam — Something snapped. I was 13 years old, dreaming of books and girls and nothing else — a healthy Dutch kid with a Moroccan background who freewheeled through life. Then something happened that made me feel different from the pack.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015 13:13

UK Jews and Muslims team up against hate

As religious tensions escalate in Europe, Muslims and Jews in North London band together to negate hate.

We call them asylum seekers, refugees, migrants. They come from various countries and have lived through different experiences but all look for the same: a peaceful life.

HAVANA — President Obama’s opening to Cuba has accelerated a surge in Cuban migration to the United States, the latest U.S. statistics show, as many on the island grow worried that America’s long-standing immigration benefits for Cubans are now in jeopardy.

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