Saturday, 27 July 2024 06:51

House Republicans are weighing a possible lawsuit against President Obama over his executive actions on immigration, in what could be another legal standoff with the administration.

Nearly a quarter of a million undocumented undergraduates, who largely come from low-income families and work their way through college, are experiencing unique challenges and high levels of stress as they struggle to succeed in higher education, according to a UCLA study.

Puerto Rico governer Alejandro Garcia Padilla has announced plans for legislation that would grant the right to vote to all of its estimated 200,000-400,000 undocumented immigrants. The statements came at a recent public meeting with the president of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, during which the two politicians signed various agreements to tackle economics, education, security, and environmental issues together.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that Tennessee and Nevada have officially joined the multi-state coalition led by Texas to block President Barack Obama’s recent executive action on immigration according to a news release sent out Monday.

The total number of immigration offenders (IOs) arrested by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) of Singapore decreased 19 percent on-year in 2014, ICA said in its annual report on Tuesday.

Rokan Mondal, who says he spent six months walking from his native Bangladesh to Greece in 2008, believes Alexis Tspiras will ensure that he doesn’t have to go back.

DRESDEN, Germany — German leaders are struggling with how, and how much, to engage with supporters of a protest movement formed around fears of an “Islamization” of their country.

Quebec is preparing for a major reform of its immigration policy, with proposed changes partly inspired by Ottawa, says the province's immigration minister.

What does the Japanese media have to say about the recent events in France? Do you want straight news, analysis or opinion editorials? The weeklies have got something for everyone.

WASHINGTON, January 24 (Sputnik) — Mayors of over 30 American cities, including Bill de Blasio of New York and Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles intend to submit an amicus brief in the lawsuit filed by 24 states challenging US President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, to show support of the presidential plan, New York City Mayor’s Office said in a statement Friday.

This month, after attackers killed four people in a kosher supermarket in Paris, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on French Jews to immigrate to Israel. More than 6,000 already had last year through November — a greater number than in the three previous years combined.

Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said on Thursday the risk of acts of terrorism from illegal immigration to Italy was high amid reports that several suspected foreign nationals have been expelled from the country in recent days.

Quebec’s minister of immigration, diversity and inclusiveness says her government is still mulling over how to confront religious radicalism in the province, but that Quebecers can expect an announcement in the coming week.

WASHINGTON(AP) — The House is moving toward a vote on a bill aimed at securing the border with Mexico as majority Republicans try to show they can chart their own course on immigration, not just oppose President Obama's.

The boss of Western Union says it's much harder being an immigrant in Europe than in the U.S.

Quebec’s minister of immigration, diversity and inclusiveness says her government is still mulling over how to confront religious radicalism in the province, but that Quebecers can expect an announcement in the coming week.

Technology companies, industry groups, and trade associations are enthusiastically supporting a new Senate bill that would make it easier for foreign nationals working in the technology sector to stay and work in the United States.

Sokoto — Sokoto State Comptroller of Immigration Service, Alhaji Yunusa Aliyu, yesterday warned foreigners in the state to steer clear of Nigerian politics.

The leader of the fast-growing German anti-Muslim movement PEGIDA has resigned after a photo of him posing as Hitler, as well as reports that he called refugees "scumbags", prompted prosecutors to investigate him for inciting hatred.

Germany’s latest immigration statistics show 1.23 million persons moved to Germany in 2013, a rate the country has not seen since 1993, causing Social Democrats and Greens to call for better regulation of immigration. EurActiv Germany reports.

In the first round of historic talks between the two countries, the US vowed to continue giving Cubans safe haven, despite Cuba's objections.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015 12:12

How has press coverage of immigration changed?

The way the UK media reported the immigration debate has shifted over time and is becoming increasingly “dehumanised”.

Scattered reports that Islamic State group sympathizer Amedy Coulibaly spent time in Madrid with wife and purported accomplice Hayat Boumeddiene just days prior to his deadly assault on a Paris kosher supermarket this month have raised new questions regarding Spain’s anti-terror efforts. The nation devoted massive resources to combat radical elements after the 2004 Madrid train bombings that left nearly 200 people dead, and it has largely avoided the rash of “lone wolf” attacks that have plagued Western Europe in recent years.

Tunis, — Some 814 illegal immigration attempts by sea were thwarted by the border police last year, the Interior Ministry announced, Tuesday, in a statement.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015 12:04

Hungary wants strict EU policy on immigration

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary's government spokesman says the European Union should adopt strict rules regarding immigration and that asylum seekers should return to their countries of origin after the crises there have passed.

TV show set in 2062 presents Africa as an oasis which desperate Europeans are risking their lives to reach.

Through continuous intelligence collection and exchange, the above-mentioned authorities detected an active cross-boundary human smuggling syndicate that specialized in arranging for Vietnamese nationals to seek illegal entry into Hong Kong via the land border.

President Obama delivered his 6th State of the Union address in front of a new GOP dominated Congress. Here are 3 big take aways.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015 12:24

Sweden by far EU's most pro-immigrant nation

Swedes are much more positive towards immigration than the citizens of any other country in the European Union, according to figures from the latest Eurobarometer survey.

Matteo Renzi says defensive attitude in debate about freedom of movement opens the door to right-wing nationalism.

Swiss attempts to limit EU immigration may succeed but, as UK Eurosceptics should note, reneging on a bargain can bring dire consequences.

Around 150 demonstrators gathered in central Budapest on Monday to protest against recent remarks about economic migrants made by Hungary’s prime minister.

Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right National Front, ended two weeks of restraint on the terror attacks that left 17 people dead in Paris as she lashed out at the government and political establishment for “20 years of mistakes” on immigration and Europe.

A new survey has revealed that the number of Britons claiming benefits across European Union countries currently outweighs the number of immigrants from those respective countries that are receiving welfare in the UK - a stark contrast to government figures.

Immigration issues will be on the agenda at two key meetings in London tomorrow, with a Boston councillor hoping to use the opportunity to get some answers.

President Barack Obama has broad popular support for his plans to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba and grant legal status to four million more undocumented immigrants, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll out Tuesday.

Fifty-six percent of Americans want Congress to defund President Obama’s November executive action on immigration, according to a new poll conducted by ABC news.

2015 is going to be a year with a very high demand for immigration to Canada due to a large number of attractive migration programs that exist in Canada, and especially because of the new Express Entry application management system that the government of Canada designed and inaugurated earlier this year in order to help more foreigners with skills get to Canada much faster.

The airline company of the Spanish group Globalia “Air Europa” opened the air route Madrid-Ouarzazate with first direct flight on Thursday night at the airport of the Moroccan city Ouarzazate.

France and the rest of Western Europe have never honestly confronted the issues raised by Muslim immigration.

The National Museum of Immigration History in Paris is a fascinating place to visit at the moment, against the backdrop of fierce debates over whether to clamp down on new arrivals.

Bright Blue said that being aggressive towards migrants coming to the UK risks putting off ethnic minority Tories who '"will be an important part of the Conservative Party's support base in the years ahead'.

On Friday, Moran (R-Kan.) and Warner (D-Va.) introduced the fourth version of their Startup Act — a piece of legislation they have been lobbying for and tinkering with for more than four years, and one that, in its latest iteration, would tweak the nation’s tax code, immigration laws and regulatory system in ways intended to help revive America’s entrepreneurial economy.

Immigration reform has stalled because of ugly Republican politics and an insistence by the Democrats that it be all or nothing.

BUDAPEST—Hungary’s prime minister on Sunday urged the European Union to limit immigration into the bloc, saying that some people abuse the rules of political asylum in the bloc while their real purpose is employment.

EDINBURGH– The debate over immigration into the UK has become "toxic" because the UK government is afraid of losing seats to the UK Independence Party (UKIP), leader of Respect Party George Galloway told Sputnik on Friday.

New official study charts how population growth from immigration has surged twelvefold in a generation.

Immigration has soared by 1,200% since 1983, adding the equivalent of a city to Britain annually, say official figures.

Previously, Mexicans had to go home to get birth certificate for applications

Now they will be able to retrieve the documents from US-based consulates

It will radically speed up the process for seeking protection from deportation

It comes amid Republican attempts to overturn Obama's immigration order

Mexican immigrants can now obtain birth certificates from their government's consulates in the United States, fast-tracking their applications for American work permits and driver's licenses. 

The debate about immigration, which polls suggest could dominate the General Election campaign, has descended into “jingoistic nonsense”, the Archbishop of York has warned.

HERSHEY, Pennsylvania - US Republican lawmakers acknowledged on Thursday it will be difficult for the Senate to pass a House of Representatives bill blocking President Barack Obama's immigration initiatives, and vowed not to put security funding at risk in the process.

“Paddington,” out Friday, is about an undocumented South American immigrant who arrives in Britain to take advantage of its generous welfare system, particularly when it comes to marmalade. He should feel right at home with these characters who left theirs to make a new one.

This book assumes optimistically a series of theoretical propositions that will not only break with all essentialist reading of identity, but also helps to better understand the reality that it covers.

It presents an overview of the issue of identity in a critical perspective. The author proposes to rethink "what is the identity on the basis of our historical conditions" to reconcile with the term, "thus preventing it to take us to the ordinary mediocrity of racism."

Online ReadOnline Read

A fresh clash between the House of Representatives and the White House over immigration reform has thrown future funding for the Department of Homeland Security into doubt, including funding for counter-terrorism programs.

(Reuters) - The Swiss government hopes to negotiate for a right to cap immigration from the European Union so as to keep its access to EU markets when it writes into law a popular vote requiring strict limits on migration.

Government wants input from Quebecers on how to make province more welcoming for immigrants.

Big Question: Anders Behring Breivik was motivated by a similar far-Right ideology and perceived threats, such as Islamification and multiculturalism, as held by the Pegida protesters

What are the Pegida protests?

U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to restore diplomatic ties with Cuba may have altered the course for the historically frozen relationship, but for now the change still doesn’t amount to much for Cuban immigration to the U.S. Still, that hasn’t stopped rumors that preferential treatment for immigrants from Cuba might soon end -- leading to desperate attempts by some to reach American soil by boat.

A new immigration opportunity to Canada has presented itself through the Nova Scotia Demand: Express Entry programme.

WASHINGTON (CNN) —The House is moving toward a vote on an all-or-nothing measure that ties funding for the Department of Homeland Security to the roll-back of President Barack Obama's immigration overhaul -- but it could face trouble, this time from moderate Republicans.

HONG KONG — Hong Kong is putting on hold an investor immigration plan that has granted residency in the city to more than 20,000 Mainland Chinese in the last decade.

PARIS -- As France rallies in favor of tolerance and freedom of expression after the terrorist attacks of last week, some French fear that the backlash will damage precisely those values, in the country with the biggest Muslim population in Europe.

DRESDEN, Germany A middle aged man waved his sign in front of television cameras and snorts to whoever will listen: The idiots in Berlin called us Nazis. Ha.

Sarkozy says immigration will be the subject of 'extremely deep debate'.

The White House says it is ready to veto the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill, if it includes any measures to block President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration, RIA Novosti reported.

German anti-Islam group Pegida has presented a six-point plan demanding clear immigration rules, an end to “absurd” EU controls and direct democracy in Germany through referenda.

ZURICH—Calls to curb immigration from Muslim countries to Switzerland have risen since last week’s terror spree in Paris, the latest evidence that anti-Islam sentiment is rising in one of Europe’s most tolerant countries.

Immigration must not be associated with terrorism as these are two completely different phenomena, believes Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma (Unity), cites LETA.

Twelve people were massacred in Paris on Wednesday merely for expressing their opinion through art. Many might not like the art that prompted the carnage. They may consider it obscene and even an attack on their faith. But in the 21st, 15th or 57th century - whatever your religion, calendar, or country - there is no excuse or justification for responding to art with murder.

Syrians will stay in Turkey for an extended period of time, with some potentially spending their entire life in Turkey, a new report titled “The Effects of the Syrian Refugees on Turkey” has stated, adding that the government should therefore formulate a comprehensive immigration policy for the future.

WASHINGTON — House Republicans introduced legislation Friday that would roll back President Obama’s executive actions on immigration, undoing a provision that would allow five million undocumented immigrants to remain in the country and one that protects young people brought to the United States illegally by a parent.

JERUSALEM — A cartoon published Friday in the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz showed a plane labeled “Air Jihad” on the tarmac of Israel’s international airport, discharging a crowd of flag-waving French Jewish immigrants while an official greeter holds up a welcome sign.

Politicians in Germany are pushing for a new immigration law. They argue the rise of the anti-Islamization group PEGIDA is a sign the public has lost faith in the regulation of immigrants.

With immigration on (or near) the top of everyone’s minds in the U.S. lately, I thought it would be helpful to take a look at immigration’s effect on Brazil. A continuous inflow of highly qualified immigrants is a key factor in any country’s development. By attracting and retaining talent, an economy benefits from new entrepreneurs and the businesses and jobs they create. Brazil is beginning to reap the benefits of a recent inflow of highly skilled professional immigrants, and is looking for new ways to maintain that growth and attract even more successful foreigners.

The revamped Canadian immigration programme that came into effect from January 1 this year could be the answer to many waiting to immigrate to the North American country.

A Greenpeace senior campaigner was “offloaded” at Delhi airport from a flight to London where she was scheduled to make a presentation before British MPs regarding alleged human rights violation at Mahan in Madhya Pradesh.

One of the things tourists hate about traveling is having to queue up at the immigration on arrival. For UAE passengers wishing to travel to the United States, they may no longer have to show their visa and passport to the immigration officer after landing.

Sokoto — A total of 631 foreigners who were illegally residing in the country were repatriated by the Sokoto State command of the Nigeria Immigration Service last year.

Rabat (MWN)– On September 2013, Morocco has adopted a new asylum policy that allows for the regularisation of refugees who were recognised under UNHCR’s mandate and provides them with a Moroccan refugee card and a residence permit.

The populist and anti-immigrant parties surging in the polls across much of Europe did not even wait to find out the identity of the attackers before deciding exactly who to blame for the massacre of 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris. Within hours of the assault on the French satirical magazine, far-right politicians had variously pointed the finger at migrants, refugees and Islam.

The UKIP leader is accused of attempting to exploit yesterday's brutal massacre, in which 12 people were shot dead, and this morning's shooting in which a policewoman was killed, to gain the political upper-hand.

BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives are calling for a broader debate and changes to immigration law after criticism that her government has not done enough to explain to Germans the need for immigrants and let too many unskilled workers in.

Tunis, — The Navy units thwarted, on Wednesday, two illegal immigration attempts of Tunisians off Nabeul and Haouaria.

Friday, 09 January 2015 10:57

Russia clamps down on illegal immigration

New immigration laws set to go into effect Jan. 10 will target foreign citizens who overstay the legal period of residence in Russia.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has offered only faint hope that David Cameron will find a “common solutions” to concerns raised by the UK about the functioning of the European Union.

The Immigration Department and the Hong Kong Police Force yesterday (January 7) jointly mounted an anti-illegal employment operation codenamed Windsand in Sheung Shui District.

It looks like Theresa May’s Home Office plans to restrict visas of foreign graduates have been derailed by George Osborne.

President Obama pressed Mexico’s president on Tuesday to work alongside the U.S. government to prevent a new surge of illegal immigrants.

Thursday, 08 January 2015 11:33

Republicans weigh options on immigration

House GOP leaders huddled with rank-and-file members Wednesday in search of a strategy for blocking President Obama's recent executive action on immigration policy.

London (Prensa Latina) British Prime Minister David Cameron, today analyze topics related to immigration in the European Union (EU), the Ukrainian crisis and the next G-7 summit with the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, visiting this capital.

BEIRUT (AP) - Lebanon turned back Syrians trying to cross the border Monday under strict new visa regulations, saying it simply cannot handle any more people displaced by the ongoing civil war.

The entrepreneur is banging his drum again about the Government's 'shortsighted vote chasing'. Shame more don't join him.

MIAMI – A total of 481 illegal Cuban immigrants reached or were found on U.S. territory in December 2014, a 117 percent increase compared to the same month a year ago, the U.S. Coast Guard has reported.

BERLIN — The appearance of thousands of anti-immigrant marchers in Dresden has galvanized both sides of the immigration debate in Germany and reignited a discussion about national identity.

Drop in Indian and Pakistani students of 23.5% and 13.4% partly due to growing perception that Britain is not a welcoming place.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Britain next week for talks with Prime Minister David Cameron.

Sen. Ted Cruz has vowed to make the road to implementing the executive order on immigration very rough for President Barack Obama – so rough, that perhaps the destination will not be reached.

Less than two months after granting deportation amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, President Obama will huddle with Mexico’s president Tuesday seeking ways to prevent more migrants from crossing the U.S. border in search of a free pass.

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